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Intersecting Flask with NGINX

Pratyay Banerjee
August 31st, 2022 · 4 min read

What is NGINX? 🤔

NGINX (pronounced “engine-X”) is an open-source web server that excels at load balancing, caching, and acting as a reverse proxy. NGINX was developed with efficiency and concurrency in mind, seeking to address the scalability and performance issues in other popular web servers. Its event-driven architecture continues to set it apart as one of the highest-performing web servers available. This guide aims to show you how to deploy a Flask App with NGINX using Gunicorn.


Now you must be thinking wtf is Gunicorn? 😮

Green Unicorn (Gunicorn) is a Python WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface, aka Wiz-ghee) server that runs Python Web Application code. It’s one of many WSGI server implementations, but it’s particularly important because it is a stable, commonly-used part of web app deployments that’s powered some of the largest Python-powered web applications , such as Instagram.


Before we start making our hands dirty, here are the prerequisites 🤩 :

  • Python 3.x+ (version 3 and above)
  • Flask
  • Nginx
  • Gunicorn
  • Venv (Virtualenv also works)


Steps 🧗‍♂️ :

⚠️ It’s noted that the setup is intended for Python 3.x+ and above. Hence, 2.7.x and below versions are not supported with current provided method. The OS used is Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Feel free to use any other OS.

(1) ➤ Update your local package index and then install the packages :

1# 1. update your local packages
2sudo apt-get update
3# 2. install dependencies
4sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev nginx


(2) ➤ Create Venv :

💡 Venv already comes with Python 3.x+ and above. No need to install it seperately. It serves a similar purpose to virtualenv, and works in a very similar way, but it doesn’t need to copy Python binaries around (except for Windows).

1python3 -m venv <your venv>


(3) ➤ Setup Flask App :

1# create a flask app by installing Flask & Gunicorn
2pip install gunicorn flask

👉 Now as we have installed Flask we can create a flask application. Create a file named and paste below content :

1from flask import Flask
2app = Flask(__name__)
5def welcome_page():
6 return "Namaste!"
8if __name__ == '__main__':

Now, you can test your Flask app by typing :


Generally, the default port is set at 5000. Hence, you can test your Flask app by visiting: http://localhost:5000

You should see: Namaste! in your browser ✨. When you are finished hit Ctrl+C in your terminal window to stop the server process. Do note that it’s “http” & not “https”. If you want to try it out in “https”, follow this.


(4) ➤ Setup WSGI Entry Point 💻 :

Create a file named which will tell Gunicorn server how to interact with the app :

1nano ~/src/

Now we can simply import the Flask instance from our App and run it :

1from app import app
3if __name__ == "__main__":

Save & close the file when done. The Folder Structure looks somewhat like this :

2 |____
3 |____
4 |____ myprojectvenv


(5) ➤ Testing Gunicorn :

We’re using Gunicorn to serve the project. This can be done by the name of the module (except .py extension) plus the name of the callable within the application (i.e ) wsgi:app. We’ll also specify the interface and port to bind to so that it will be started on a publicly available interface :

1cd ~/src
3gunicorn --bind wsgi:app

Visit http://localhost:5000 you should see: Namaste! in your browser again.

Now deactivate virtualenv by following command 🚫 :



(6) ➤ Create a systemd Unit File :

systemd unit file will allow Ubuntu’s init system to automatically start Gunicorn and serve our Flask application whenever the server boots. Create a unit file ending in .service within the /etc/systemd/system directory to begin :

1sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/app.service

Inside nano, you should be able to see the following :

3# specifies metadata and dependencies
5Description = Gunicorn instance for serving myproject
6After =
8# Tells the init system to only start this after the networking target has been reached
10# We will give our regular user account ownership of the process since it owns all of the relevant files
14# Service specify the user and group under which our process will run.
15User = yourusername
17# give group ownership to the www-data group so that Nginx can communicate easily with the Gunicorn processes.
18Group = www-data
20# We'll then map out the working directory and set the PATH environmental variable so that the init system knows where our the executables for the process are located (within our virtual environment).
22WorkingDirectory = /home/neilblaze/test/src
23Environment = "PATH=/home/neilblaze/test/src/myprojectvenv/bin"
25# We'll then specify the commanded to start the service
26ExecStart = /home/neilblaze/test/src/myprojectvenv/bin/gunicorn --workers 3 --bind unix:app.sock -m 007 wsgi:app
28# This will tell systemd what to link this service to if we enable it to start at boot. We want this service to start when the regular multi-user system is up and running:
31WantedBy =

⚠️ Note: In the last line of [Service] We tell it to start 3 worker processes. We also tell it to create and bind to a Unix socket file within our project directory called app.sock. We’ll set a umask value of 007 so that the socket file is created giving access to the owner and group, while restricting other access. Finally, we need to pass in the WSGI entry point file name and the Python callable within.

We can now start the Gunicorn service we created and enable it so that it starts at boot:

1sudo systemctl start app
2sudo systemctl enable app

Folder Structure 🗃️ :

A new file app.sock will be created in the project directory automatically.

2 |____
3 |____
4 |____ app.sock
5 |____ myprojectvenv


(7) ➤ Configuring Nginx ⚙️ :

Gunicorn application server is now be up and running and it waits for requests on the socket file in the project directory. We need to configure Nginx to pass web requests to that socket by making some small additions to its configuration file.

We’ll need to tell NGINX about our app and how to serve it. Just cd into /etc/nginx/. This is where the NGINX configuration files are located.

The two directories we will work on are sites-available and sites-enabled.

  • sites-available contains individual configuration files for all of your possible static app.
  • sites-enabled contains links to the configuration files that NGINX will actually read and run.

Create a new server block configuration file in Nginx’s sites-available directory named app.

1sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/app

Open up a server block in which nginx will listen to port 80. This block will also be used for requests for our server’s domain name or IP address:

1server {
2 listen 80;
3 server_name server_domain_or_IP;

Let’s add a location block that matches every request. In this block, let’s include the proxy_params file that specifies some general proxying parameters that need to be set. We’ll then pass the requests to the socket we defined using the proxy_pass directive :

1server {
2 listen 80;
3 server_name server_domain_or_IP;
5location / {
6 include proxy_params;
7 proxy_pass http://unix:/home/neilblaze/test/src/app.sock;
8 }


(8) ➤ Final Step — Enable NGINX server block :

Link the file to the sites-enabled directory to enable Nginx server block we’ve just created. The syntax is as follows :

3sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/app /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/app

Note: Test syntax errors by typing: sudo nginx -t. If there are no issues, restart the Nginx process to read our new config:

1sudo systemctl restart nginx

The last thing we need to do is adjust our firewall to allow access to the Nginx server:

1sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full'

Now visit server’s domain name or IP address in your web browser where your application is actually running.


Congratulations — Deployment Successful! 🎉⚡


References 🙌

Conclusion 🚀

That’s it for now! I hope you learned something valuable. Stay tuned for more such blogs 😄

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